Welcome at Bikeschool-Innsbruck
Your Mountainbike Guiding and Skills training Experts in Innsbruck
We offer mountainbike guiding in and around Innsbruck every day from April to November. Our team consists of fully licensed local guides and stacks up a good 100 years of combined experience. We take care of your specific MTB needs and give our best to fulfill your wishes.
Come ride with us!
Bikepark – where fun and efficient training come together
Bikeschool-Innsbruck at Bikepark Innsbruck
We offer Bikepark guiding and skill training sessions at Bikepark Innsbruck every day of the week. From our experience our clients learn all the necessary skills to master the blue and some red trails here within a 3h session.
Want to improve you skills to master all red and black trails? Just come back for another session!
Bikeschool-Innsbruck im Bikepark Innsbruck
Wir guiden und trainieren Fahrtechnik im Bikepark Innsbruck und zeigen dir und euch ganz auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten wie man die Trails mit Sicherheit und Spaß meistert. Aus Erfahrung reichen 3h für ein erstes Training um die blauen und Sektionen der roten Trails mit Spaß fahren zu können.
Du willst alle roten und schwarzen Trails fahren? Komm einfach wieder!
Du willst als Frau in einer Frauengruppe lernen?
Frauenspezifische Trainings – @sabrinamueller89, externe Spezialistin und Guide deluxe, zeigt dir wie man Trails sicher und mit Freude meistert. Alles in Umgebung anderer Bike-interessierter Frauen, mit guter Laune und einem ganzen Haufen an guten Tipps und Tricks.
Vereinbare einen Wunschtermin mit ihr, am besten via direkt message, komm zu uns in den Bikepark Innsbruck und bekomm genau das, was du brauchst, um dich am Trail wohl und frei zu fühlen. Auch am Mittwoch nach der Arbeit, am langen Biketag im Park.
eBike and All Mountain
You want to travel far and next to effortless?
Du willst mühelos viel eR-Fahren?
eBike Touring zaubert ein Lächeln auf jedes Gesicht. Beinahe mühelos fahren wir zu Almen, Gipfeln und Seen. Immer dabei – ein einleitendes und nachhaltiges Fahrtechniktraining.
You seek peace and quiet?
Du suchtst Ruhe und Frieden?
Es soll ruhig, schön und abgelegen sein? Wir zeigen dir das beste, das Innsbruck und Umgebung zu bieten haben. Super Aussicht, Fahrspaß und bleibende Erinnerungen inklusive!
Technical course MTB / eBike
Skills. Training. Improvement.
You got a new bike and want to make sure your settings are all correct and will support your riding? Need some introduction or want to perfect your skills? We got you covered!
City to Alpine adventures
Visiting Innsbruck as a tourist?
One of the best things to do is going on a bike ride. We start touring wiht you in the city center, give insights to history and architecture and then lead you up into the mountains. For a meal at one of the lovely traditional huts if you’re hungry. City to alpine adventures are our special expertise.
Our rates depend on the length of the ride and how large your group is. View Pricing

Alpoine Safety Academy bietet dir spezifische Kurse, geleitet durch professionelle Trainer und Athleten, die dir helfen dein Leben im alpinen Bereich sicher zu gestalten. Be Safe!
Connect with us directly, book a tour or ask a question.

Dr. Christoph Ammann
Höhenstraße 100a, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 660 41 48 337
email: office@bikeschool-innsbruck.com
Rental & Service
Get your equipment from Innsbruck´s best.Die Boerse in the City Center of Innsbruck provides you with the finest equipment for your day out in the wild with us. All bikes (including Downhill and eBikes) and safety gear is freshly serviced, washed and dried and ready for you to use.
One backpack. Maximum flexibility.
The perfect companion on bike tours. SYMPHONY gives a whole new meaning to flexibility in backpacks. Thanks to its unique expansion system (patent pending), you get two different sizes with just one backpack.
Goggles & Sunglasses
Find the perfect Bike and Snow Goggle plus functional sunglasses at Delayon. Quality matched with style!
Sustainability and giving back reside in the core of this sport equipment brand.
First Degree
MTB shoes

Armed with no shortage of style, FIRST DEGREE shoes sport fresh designs while also delivering unrivaled performance. Whether deep into an all-day mission or just kicking back at the bar, riders appreciate their refined appearance and thoughtful attention to detail. Yet don’t be fooled by their clean lines, these shoes are ready to get down and dirty.
Enjoy the ride!
O’NEAL is a well-known brand in the Mountainbiking community, offering a wide range of high-quality equipment and apparel for riders of all levels. From protective helmets and gloves , O’NEAL has everything you need to tackle the toughest trails with confidence.
Eco Sports Sunscreen
Stay focused